On average, the amount of times that skin replaces itself in thelifespan of a human is around 900.

On average, the amount of times that skin replaces itself in thelifespan of a human is around 900.

Why don’t dermatologists need confetti for parties? Researchers have discovered that the skin replaces itself every month or around 27 days. According to a 2011 study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, we shed between 0.03 and 0.09g of skin every hour. That sounds like almost nothing, but throughout a lifetime it adds… Continue reading On average, the amount of times that skin replaces itself in thelifespan of a human is around 900.


Why do meteorologists never throw surprise parties? Metrologists work very hard to keep time, using ever-finer technology to measure the passing of minutes, seconds, and hours. However, while their atomic clocks are incredibly accurate, they’re not perfect. No clock on Earth is entirely “correct”. The actual process of defining what time it is – right… Continue reading THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A CLOCK WITH 100%ACCURACY

There is enough DNA in the average person’s body to stretchfrom the sun to Pluto and back — 17 times

How can your DNA take 17 trips to Pluto and back and still prove you’re almost a clone of your neighbor? The human genome (the genetic code in each human cell) contains 23 DNA molecules (called chromosomes), each containing from 500,000 to 2.5 million nucleotide pairs. DNA molecules of this size are 1.7 to 8.5… Continue reading There is enough DNA in the average person’s body to stretchfrom the sun to Pluto and back — 17 times

Bananas are radioactive

Worried about radiation? They contain potassium-40, a radioactive isotope that emits beta and gamma radiation. If you eat one banana a day, your annual radiation exposure will increase by about 0.035 millisieverts (mSv). Other radioactive foodstuffs: kidney beans, brazil nuts, peanut butter, and coffee. Typical dose: 0.27 mSvper year. Just remember, your daily banana comes… Continue reading Bananas are radioactive

A teaspoonful of neutron stars would weigh 6 billion tons.

How do you fit three suns into a sphere only 10 kilometers wide? A neutron star is the remnants of a massive star that has run out of fuel. The dying star explodes in a supernova while its core collapses in on itself due to gravity, forming a super-dense neutron star. Astronomers measure the mind-bogglingly… Continue reading A teaspoonful of neutron stars would weigh 6 billion tons.

Hot water freezes faster than cold water.

Is it possible that the secret to faster ice cream might be in starting with hot milk? This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s called the Mpemba effect. Scientists now believe this is because the velocities of water particles have a specific disposition while they’re hot that allows them to freeze more readily. If proven correct,… Continue reading Hot water freezes faster than cold water.